Lab #8
Database Management & Queries
Geog 206: Introduction to GIS
Fall 2010
I. Read Bolstad Chapter 8 and answer the following questions.
1. What are the primary functions of a database management system?
· They are computer software tools that aid in the entry, organization, analysis and distribution of data.
2. What is a one-to-one relationship between tables? A many-to-one?
· One -to-one: It means that for every row in one table in some way it is matched to a row in another table. There is only one row in the second table that matches.
· One-to many: Means that one row in a table may matched many rows in the second table. We do not mean complete match though. Usually we use a column in each table to match the tables. The rows are considered to match when the matched column has the same values in both tables.
3. Why are relational databases so popular (i.e. what are the benefits)?
· The model is more flexible than most other designs.
· The table structures do not restrict processing or queries.
· Organization is simple to understand, learn and implement relative to other database designs.
· It can accommodate a wide range of data types and is not necessary to know in advance the kind of queries, sorting and searching that will be performed on the database.
II. AFTER completing Ormsby Chapters 8 & 9, complete the following exercise.
1. You are going to join a table of landuse info to a feature class for Santa Barbara Landuse so that you can access additional information.
2. Navigate to your named folder inside the “STUDENT_DATA” folder on your C-drive. Inside of that folder, create a new folder named “Lab8”.
3. Go to the Y:\courses_rmaas\Geog206\data and copy the Lab8 folder down to your working directory.
4. Open and explore the Lab8Data geodatabase.
a. What is the Data Type of the LAND_USE field in the Landuse feature class? _______geospatial______________
b. What is the Data Type of the LAND_USE field in the LanduseInfo.dbf table? ________table____________
5. Perform the following steps in ArcMap:
a. Join the LanduseInfo.dbf file TO the Landuse feature class. Explore the table. What are the new fields that have been joined (appended)? __LU_Description, LU_Type, LU_description, Square miles and Acres.________________________________________
b. Export the Landuse feature class to a new feature class called Landuse_all to preserve the join. (hint: make sure your 'save as type' option is set correctly.)
c. Query the new feature class to select both ‘Open Lands’ and ‘Open Land Uses’ from the LU_GENERAL field.
d. Save the selection as a new feature class and place it into YOUR Lab8Data geodatabase with the name Landuse_open.
e. How many total acres of Open Lands (including Open Land Uses) exist in this new feature class? ________627________
f. Open your Lab8Data geodatabase inside ArcCatalog so that all feature classes are visible. Capture a screenshot of the geodatabase contents and post with your answers.
g. Create an area qualitative map of the Landuse_all layer using the LU_GENERAL field. Include all of your map elements (north arrow, etc.) and make sure to practice your basic map design skills. In addition, create an overview inset map on your page that provides reference for the location of this county in Southern California. Use the CountyBoundary and Highways layers for your inset. Post this map to your blog.